Winning vs Losing

Lets begin with a basic fact that winning or losing is subjective and momentary. This cannot be the basis of one’s existence and it definitely cannot be the grounds to brand someone. I’ll come back to sports in a bit but in the larger scheme of things, in life,...

Watching is good, Playing is great!

I was raised in a family of academicians and scientists. Our days started with reading the newspaper and cursing the government for something new, almost everyday. We were almost always talking about what the next meal would be. Everyone wanted my brother and me to...

Box Cricket! Are you serious?

You’ve definitely either played cricket at some point in your life so far or you’re aware of a few people who’ve played cricket, not necessarily at a professional level. In your younger days it was almost a given that, if you’re a boy, then you just tried your hand at...

Nutritious food is the need of the hour

In a day and age where technology is making things easy and making us lazy, one has no choice but to eat right to stay fit. Apart of being active diet is of paramount importance. We thought we’d share some of our food ideas with you. These recommendations are purely...

The role played by Sports Infrastructure in India

I’ll have to start by laying stress on the fact that Cricket is the one sport in India which is undeniably the most played, most watched and debatably most loved. That being said, one has to wonder as to why other sports haven’t picked up and reached the same level of...

Impact of sports in the overall growth of children

It’s no secret that being involved in sports has a direct correlation to psychological development and growth. Sports also contribute in the social and moral growth of a child. Not only do sports help children be physically fit and active but they also instil key...