
Akash Gambhir

Founder and CEO

“I love it when a business plan comes together”

When the three of us decided to step out of our corporate jobs and take on this challenge, we had just two things – our passion for football and the belief that we wanted to offer the best quality.

Starting from our first football turf in Mumbai, set up in April of 2013, we’ve come a long way. Today our services are appreciated by every sport enthusiast and we’re well known in the sports facilities and management space. That’s because we’ve got a simple goal. Make good quality sporting facilities a basic amenity, not a luxury for the Mumbai-folk.

Aniketh Nair

Co-Founder and COO

“I Pity the School”

Right off the bat, we realized the lack of quality Astro turfs in Mumbai. That’s where we decided to step in. Every turf and facility we open across the city, we aim to make it into a play haven for corporates, institutions, groups, and individuals alike. We are always kicked about setting up a new football turf in Mumbai – the love for the sport in the city is unparalleled.

Abhay Singh


“Rules are meant to be broken”

The advantage of being among the first players in this space was that nobody told us we had to play within the lines. Coming across several avenues through which we could change the sports culture in the city, we jumped in head first into every one of them. We don’t disregard any need, no matter how small or big. We take everything as a challenge and come out on top. It is this passion for sports that has made us the go-to team across the sporting spectrum.